Weaver Tips

The best tips for working with RapidWeaver

Use the Span tag to change one or more words to another color or class

Use the Span tag to change one or more words to another color or class

November 4th, 2020 by Elizabeth

Maybe you're not an HTML expert, and when you use Rapidweaver, you don't have to be. But if you understand one of the very basic HTML principles, you can be ahead of the game and style your content in a more flexible way. For example, inside any Rapidweaver Header stack, write your content and change one of the words to another color, by using a <span> Tag before the word you want to change and a </span> closing tag right after that word. Now, inside the opening tag, assign a class to your content.

<h3>This is a regular header and it's inside an h3 tag. This is done automatically in a Rapidweaver header.</h3> <h3>This is also a header but <span class="color:red">this is inside the span tags and we assigned a red color class</span> This is outside the span tag again</h3>


This is a regular H3 header

This is also an H3 header but this is inside the span and we assigned a red color class This is outside the span tag